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- BLINK Map file design
- by Edmund Burnette
- last update 01jun86
- Command line options
- --------------------
- MAP [[filename],option,option,...]
- filename map output file
- option letter of report to produce (see below)
- WIDTH n columns allowed in map file (default 80)
- INDENT n columns to indent on a line (included in width) (default 0)
- default 0
- HEIGHT n lines on a page in map file (0 indicates no pagenation)
- (default 55)
- HWIDTH n width of hunk names (default 8)
- FWIDTH n width of file names (default 16)
- PWIDTH n width of program unit names (default 8)
- SWIDTH n width of symbol names (default 8)
- FANCY flag to allow printer control characters in the map file
- (this is the default condition)
- PLAIN turns off the FANCY option
- Page format
- -----------
- Each page will have up to three title lines, the last of which is optional.
- The first line will give the program name, section name, and page number.
- The second line is blank. The third line is used for a column header if
- needed.
- If the FANCY option is on, titles and headers will be underlined and
- the output will be separated into pages with form feed characters.
- The page number is given in two parts: the section number and the page
- number within that section.
- * should the sections be numbered sequentially or should one number
- * be assigned for a specific section for good?
- Example:
- myprog Hunks Page 1-1
- hunk name type diskoff size
- Reports
- -------
- The linker is capable of writing many different kinds of reports to the
- map file. Each report is listed below. After the report name, a single
- letter appears in parenthesis. This is the letter you would specify on
- the MAP option to produce that particular kind of report.
- Note that all columnar data will be printed in multiple columns accross
- the page as space permits (you know what I mean). This is not shown on
- most of the examples for clarity.
- 1. Hunks (H) (default if no others specified)
- hunk name type totsize filename punit offset
- ---- -------- ---- -------- ---------------- -------- --------
- 1 xyz code 3f8e sys:lib/c.o c 0
- ram:dump.o dump 1e0
- sys:lib/lc.lib abort 4e8
- ...
- 2 pdq bss 123 ...
- 3 plugh data 33 ...
- 2. Symbols (S)
- name offset:hunk name offset:hunk ...
- -------- ------------- -------- -------------
- fred 27e:1 george 0:2
- nchars 9:* xyzzy 3f70:1
- 3. Symbol xref (X)
- name value offset:hunk offset:hunk offset:hunk ...
- -------- ------------- ------------- ------------- -------------
- fred 3e:1 140:1 5e6:1 1e78:1
- 2450:1 3:12 e8f77:12
- ralph 1000:* 37:8
- 4. Files (F)
- * ignore path in punit ?
- * print blank name if not present (e.g., '<none>') ?
- * don't print zero length protohunks?
- file punit name type offset:hunk size
- ---------------- -------- -------- ---- ------------- --------
- sys:lib/c.o c text code 0:1 1dc
- data 0:3 60
- ram:dump.o dump code code 1e0:1 308
- data data 64:3 5c
- bss bss 0:0 54
- sys:lib/lc.lib abort code 4e8:1 d0
- data c0:3 94
- iomode data 114:3 4
- 5. Overlays (O)
- ?